Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Notes/Perspective on Poets Creed

A creed is defined as a belief, or an ideology, and the idea that Borges presents is that beliefs differ among different people, and that the significance of it can only relate to those who share a similar belief; "this creed may perhaps be useful to me, but hardly to others". Personnel memories and experiences are the foundations of Borges creed. And ths idea is revealed to Borges through language, ideas, and the passion of experience. And it was with that knowledge, he discovered the power of language and the passion that lies within. Through this discovery, Borges understood poetry. From this I was able to derive that poetry is just one medium of expression, and we can use anything from music to technical design to place our own personnel creeds that we uphold into a tangible form.

Broges also uses a metaphor between being a reader and writer to express the importance of having to gain knowledge before sharing it, which also reflects back to the necessity of experience. He lists many examples of great works of literature that he describes in detail his feelings toward it and some central ideas, in which ultimately impacted him as a reader, which is in direct correlation with himself as a writer.

-Christina Benvegnu

1 comment:

ubik said...

Thanks for posting!

Here's my suggestion:

Break it down into a list of Borges' strongest points. Your notes are wandering a bit and lack the understanding you'll get from a closer read. Check out some of the other groups notes so you can get the feel for it.
